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Meet the experienced and friendly doctors who make Apple Valley Vision the leading provider of vision care products and services in Payson.

Dr. Brian Rowley

Brian Rowley, O.D., grew up in a large family in Richfield, UT. He has been in interested in optometry ever since the day, as a young teen, he put on a pair of prescription glasses for the first time and saw what he had been missing! He went on to receive degrees from Snow College, BYU, and then his Doctorate of Optometry from Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR in 2002.

Dr. Rowley purchased a small optometry practice in 2004, named it Apple Valley Vision and has been caring for patients in the Payson/Santaquin area ever since. He has extensive experience in family eye care, including diabetic eye care, red eyes, glaucoma treatment, dry eye management, computer vision problem-solving, contact lens fitting, eye surgery co-management, low vision services, pediatric exams (he’s great with kids!), vision therapy, and eye emergencies.

Dr. Rowley is Utah State licensed and national board certified to administer ocular pharmaceutical agents and to perform minor optometric surgical procedures. His training and experience allow him to diagnose, treat, and manage or co-manage all eye conditions. He works closely with many local eye specialists to ensure that his patients get the best care available.

Our Staff

The Apple Valley Vision Staff are friendly and energetic people, committed to taking care of your eye care needs and making your experience terrific.